2006scape Wiki
Giant Mole

Combat Level




Experience for killing

800 xp (267xp)

Slayer Level

Not assigned

Slayer XP

Not assigned

Assigned by

Not assigned





Immune to poison?


Attack Style


Attack Speed

6: 2.4secs.




Stab, Ranged.

Always Drops

Big bones, Mole claw, Mole skin.

Examine Text

Holy Mole-y!

The Giant Mole (Talpidae wysonian) is found in the Falador Mole Lair, just under Falador Park. Upon release, on 7 March 2006, "a slight accident involving a bottle of Malignius-Mortifer's-Super-Ultra-Flora-Growth-Potion" is the origin of the creation of the Giant mole.

The Giant Mole is a large, non-aggressive beast, but a dangerous one nonetheless. When you engage him in combat he will fight until you have damaged him enough to get him worried.

From this moment on, you will need to be on your toes, as he will burrow (and hence move around) extremely quickly. It is wise to take a team, and split up to combat him as he appears throughout the area.

As he has stretched and sleek skin, you will find him weaker to puncturing attacks, such as stab or Ranged.

On his death, he may drop mole skin or mole claws , which can be taken to Wyson as proof that he has been destroyed.


To get into the Lair, you will require a spade, light source and tinderbox. When you are ready, head to the park and find a mole hill. Standing on a mole hill and digging will cause you to open the mound and fall into the Lair.

Beware: when you are down here, you stand a chance that your light will go out due to 'mole activities', so ensure you do bring a tinderbox or know where the exit is!

Falador park



  Item Quantity Rarity
Big bones Big Bones 1 Always
Mole Claw Mole claw 1 Always
Mole Skin Mole Skin 1-3 Always
Air rune Air Rune 105 Common
Fire Rune Fire Rune 105 Common
Blood rune Blood Rune 15 Common
Death Rune Death Rune 7 Common
Law Rune Law Rune 15 Uncommon
Iron arrow 5 Iron arrow 500, 690 Uncommon
Rune battleaxe Rune battleaxe 1 Uncommon
Rune 2handed Rune 2h sword 1 Rare
Coins 10000 Coins 360-11,000 Uncommon
Shark Shark 1-5 Uncommon
Clue scroll Clue Scroll (Hard) 1 Rare


  • The only yellow dot on your minimap will be the Giant Mole.
  • When the mole digs, your screen will get a "dirt splat".
  • There unattackable moles in the mole lair as well. If these are babies or just regular moles, has yet to be determined.